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Post Manager
Updated over 2 months ago

Left sidebar > Menu > Post Manager

The Post Manager is where you can keep track of all feed posts and statistics/earnings for each post in one place. You can also edit, repost, and delete from here… so read on for some guidance on how to maximize this tool!


Each post’s section in the Post Manager will show the below statistics of that post.

  • Feeds: how many subscription feeds it was posted to

  • Total Purchases: total number of purchases of this post

  • Total Earnings: total earnings made from the purchases of this post

  • Arrow on the right-hand side will expand the section to show more detailed statistics for each subscription feed including:

    • Price that was set for that feed

    • Number of subscribers on that feed

    • Number of purchases from subscribers on that feed

    • Total earnings from purchases specifically from that feed

In the section for each post will be a ‘3 dots’ or ‘ellipsis’ icon with a few options.

Edit a Post

Post Manager > Post > (...) icon > Edit

This is where you are able to edit your post. Everything including the cover photo, media added or deleted, caption text, subscription feeds, price(s) for each subscription feed, media selected, scheduled time and expiration time can be edited. Once editing is complete, make sure to hit the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Repost a Feed Post

Post Manager > Post > (...) icon > Repost

Reposting a feed post will bring that post back to the top of the feed! As you can imagine, this is an extremely valuable tool for maximizing your earnings and recycling your content.

By reposting, now all of your subscribers that did not previously pay to unlock that post will be able to see it again and possibly purchase it the next time! Please note: any of your subscribers that purchased it previously will not see the repost, so there is no risk of them double-purchasing.

Pro-tips for reposting a feed post:

  • Change and edit the post a bit to make it look different than before! For example; change the cover photo, caption and even the price(s). This way, it will look like a brand new post to any subscribers that didn’t purchase it previously, and you can test things out and see what’s working and what’s not.

  • You can add a subscription feed that this post wasn’t posted to before and reach more of your subscribers!

  • You can do everything with a repost that you can with any post, including scheduling the post and setting an expiration date/time.

Send Post as a Mass DM

Post Manager > Post > (...) icon > Mass DM

Move the content from a feed post to your subscribers’ inboxes by sending it as a mass DM! This works similarly to reposting (see above), but instead of reposting the post to the top of the feed, it will send the content in that post as a mass DM.

When you get to the mass DM screen, the content and description will already be there from when it was posted on the feed. Now all you have to do is select who you would like this content to be sent to as a mass DM. Please refer to the ‘Sending a Mass DM’ section if needed.

If the content was locked behind a paywall (pay-to-view post) the DM will now be sent to all subscribers that did NOT purchase it on the feed. Subscribers who did purchase it on the feed will still have access to the content and not be asked to pay or purchase to view the content again.

Delete a Feed Post

Post Manager > Post > (...) icon > Delete

This action will remove and delete this post from your feed.

Please note: if the post deleted was paywalled, any subscribers who paid to unlock that post will still have access to see the content in their Vault.

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