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User List Manager
Updated over 2 months ago

Left sidebar > Menu > User List Manager

The User List Manager is where you can see categorization and segmentation of your subscribers. Each subscription feed has its own user list by default. You can also create your own custom user lists (see below)! User Lists make it easy to send targeted Mass DMs or override your Pay to Chat price for a specific group of your subs.

On this screen, to the right-side of each user list is a number that shows how many active subscribers you have in that user list.

Feed User Lists

When a user subscribes to a feed, they’ll automatically be added to the respective user list for that feed. If the user unsubscribes, they will be removed from each feed user list(s) they were in once their subscription cycle has ended and is inactive.

If a subscriber is blocked or removed from the platform, they will be removed from the feed user lists they were in.

Create a Custom User List

A Custom User List is a user list you can create outside of the default Feed User Lists. You can categorize or segment any group of subscribers in any way you want by creating the list and manually adding subscribers into that list.

To create a Custom User List:

  1. Sidebar > Menu > User List Manager

  2. Click the (+) icon in the top right corner

  3. By clicking the (+) in the box at the top center of the screen, add an emoji to represent this user list

  4. Enter the name for this list

  5. Hit the ‘Create’ button

  6. Select subscribers to add to this list. You can also type in usernames in the ‘search’ bar at the top.

  7. Hit the ‘Save’ button

To edit the name and emoji icon for a Custom User List, select the (...) icon to the right-side of that list name, then select 'Edit'. You can then make edits on that screen. Be sure to hit the 'Save' button once you're done.

To add or remove users from a user list, click directly on the user list name.

  • To remove users from a list, select the (...) icon to the right-side of that user and then 'Remove'. You may also do it by selecting the (+) icon at the top right corner of the screen and manually deselect the user(s) you want to remove.

  • To add users to the list, you can use the search bar at the top of the screen to search their username or select the (+) icon on the top right of the screen, then manually select the users you want to add.

Custom User List Pro-tips:

  • Custom User List ideas:

    • Top Fans / Top Spenders - this custom user list might consist of your subscribers that have spent the most money, whether they are subscribed to your free or paid subscription(s). Having these subs in a user list makes it easy to reward them all with special content via Mass DM or make sure they all get free DMs (in your Pay-to-Chat section, select this list in the ‘User List Overrides’ section and enter ‘0’ in the $ field.)

    • Fitness Buyers - you might notice some subscribers that tend to always unlock or engage with your fitness training content! Put those subs in a list and now you know specifically who to target in the Mass DM when you release similar content.

    • Contest winners - maybe you ran a contest on your social media or BrandArmy channel where 20 lucky subs win extra exclusive content or a special discount/promo code. Make a list with these winners and now you have an extremely easy way to send them all their prizes at once!

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