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Mass DM Manager
Updated over 2 months ago

Left sidebar > Menu > Mass DM Manager

Sending Mass DMs is the best way to reach a group of your subscribers directly with free or paid content and a message in a way that feels more personal!

How Create a New Mass DM

To create a new mass DM:

  1. Click the (+) icon on the top right of the Mass DM Manager screen

  2. Add a cover photo. This will be the first image seen in the set of media. (See the Cover Photos section for more details.)

  3. Add your media. This can be images, videos, PDFs, mp3s, or a mix of these media types. See all accepted file types here.

  4. Add text in your ‘Message’ field, similar to what a caption would be for a feed post.

Targeting and Pricing

  1. Choose who will receive this mass DM

    • All Users: all subscribers in your community

    • Online now: subscribers who are currently logged in and on the site

    • User Lists: select specific Feed User Lists or Custom User Lists to target

      • Select the Feed Lists and/or Custom Lists to send this Mass DM to

      • Add the purchase price for each list in the $ field. Type ‘0’ here if you want that list to see the media for free.

  2. Optional step: Send only to users who joined on or after a specific date.

    • Tip: this may be useful if you have some content that you’ve previously sent out via Mass DM, and now you want to send it to any users who have not yet seen or received it because they subscribed and joined your community after the date it was sent.

Re-sending a Mass DM

Mass DM Manager > DM > (...) icon > Resend

By re-sending a mass DM, all of your subscribers that did not previously pay to unlock that DM will receive it again and possibly purchase it the next time! Any of your subscribers that did purchase it already will still see and have access to the content from that DM, so there will be no risk of them double-purchasing.

Pro-tips for resending a mass DM:

  • Change and edit the cover photo (if any) and description a bit to make it look different than before! For example; change the cover photo, caption and even the price(s). This way, it will look like a brand new mass DM to any subscribers that didn’t purchase it previously, and you can test things out and see what’s working and what’s not.

  • You can add a user list that this DM wasn't sent to before and reach more of your subscribers!

Sending (Posting) a Mass DM as a Feed Post

Mass DM Manager > DM > (...) icon > Post

You can publish any mass DM as a feed post! This works similarly to resending a mass DM, but instead it will post as a feed post.

When you get to the 'new post' screen, the content and description will already be there from when it was sent as a mass DM. Now all you have to do is select which subscription feeds you want to post to and set the price(s) for each. Please refer to the ‘Reposting a Feed Post’ section if needed.

If the content was locked behind a paywall (paid DM) the post will now be seen by only subscribers that did NOT purchase it as a mass DM. Subscribers who did purchase it in the DM will still have access to the content and not be asked to pay or purchase to view the content again as a feed post.

Posting a Mass DM as a Feed Post Pro-tip:

  • This feature allows a great way to try different ways of releasing the same content! Check the stats in 24 hours to compare how the content performed as a feed post as compared to a mass DM.

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