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Direct Messaging
Updated over 2 months ago

Left sidebar > ‘Chat bubble’ icon

Access your direct messages (DM) by clicking the ‘chat’ icon on your left sidebar. This is where you’ll find your DM inbox and all DM communications with your subscribers in one place.

Messages appear in order starting from most recent at the top. There are also 3 different tabs to categorize your messages; ‘Chats’ is the main inbox, ‘Favorites’ includes any user you’ve marked as a favorite (by clicking the star icon in their chat thread), and ‘Unanswered’ shows any messages you have not yet responded to, whether you have opened the message or not. On the top right-hand corner is an icon that will filter your inbox to show all unread messages only. You can also search for any user from the ‘search’ icon at the top left-hand corner.

Next to each user’s username is a dollar $ amount inside a small box. This number shows each user’s total amount spent (on subscriptions, paid posts, messages, shop purchases and money sent on your channel).

Chat Thread

Sending Free or Paid Content to an Individual User

To send content to an individual subscriber:

  1. Select and open up the chat thread with that user from your inbox

  2. Select the 'attachment' icon to the right-side of the text box at the bottom of the screen

  3. Add a message

  4. (+) icon in the dotted square to upload the media or file

  5. Set a price for your subscriber to pay to unlock the content. Leave the price field blank or add a '0' for the content to be free.

  6. 'Send'

Subscriber/User Stats

On the top panel of the chat thread with each user is their profile photo and username, a star icon (‘favorite’) and a stats icon (3 bars). On the bottom panel a $ icon, the chat textbox, an attachment icon, and the ‘send’ button.


  • To ‘favorite’ a user, click the star icon. This means their chat will appear in the 'Favorites’ tab of your DM inbox.

Stats (3 bars icon):

  • A drawer will slide out from the right-hand side of the screen. This will show an overview of information and statistics for this user.

  • The box under the profile photo and username will show any notes that have been added (please note: these are private notes for your own reference that only you can see, add and edit). To edit notes, click the ‘Edit Info’ button under the ‘notes’ box. This will also allow you to add a Nickname (10 characters max) for this user, also for your own personal reference. In your DM inbox, a preview of notes will show in a white box above each user’s username. Nicknames will appear in parentheses following the user’s usernames.

  • Under stats shows ‘Subscribed Feeds’. Any subscription feeds that this user is subscribed to in your community will appear here, including the date they subscribed.

  • Please note: this information and statistics are also available to view on each user’s profile page by clicking the ‘Stats’ button.


On this Stats screen is also a ‘block’ button to block the user. There are 2 types of block options:

  • No contact: user can still view content and make purchases but cannot DM you or comment on posts

  • Full ban: user is completely blocked your community

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